Walla Walla Week 2
Week two started at the same pace as week 1 ended, as there were so many people I caught up with rather than break it down chronologically I am going to cover the different types of organisation that I met and the impact that it had. We began our week by receiving a proclamation from the County Commissioners celebrating Resilience Month in Walla Walla and it was moving to hear one of them describe the impact that ACE's and resilience had on him personally. This was another example of working to get buy in at as many levels within the community as possible, all three commissioners were interested and engaged with what was going on and keen to see the results be as impactful as possible. We met again with them on Tuesday where they had a chance to ask questions about what was happening and I discussed some of my personal lived experience. I also met with Mayor Barbara Clark and City Manager Nabiel Shawa for a long discussion on the impact that the trauma informed movement has had o...